Faith at Work Night in Berlin
Faith at Work Night in Berlin
Many times, we may not see clearly how our faith in Jesus can make a difference in our careers (or for students: preparing for one) or in leadership - or in shaping society, for the common good - as we face today’s immense challenges. Does following Jesus even matter to anything beyond our private lives and in church? In collaboration with ywam Berlin, we would love to invite you to a “Faith at Work Night” in Berlin, to share some thoughts and experiences on this as we have wrestled with them for decades - and worked with young leaders around Europe.
You´ll meet:
Linn and Hermund Haaland, founders of the Zebr Institute. Linn works with the Christian Democratic Party in Norway, as an organizational adviser. She has ample experience as a life coach and developing people and organizations. Hermund Haaland is a serial entrepreneur, author and lecturer, also with ample experience advising and developing current and future leaders.
Joseph Avakian is a Berlin-based creative thinker, graphic designer and international lecturer working with both commercial customers and NGOs. He spends much of his time coaching and empowering young adults around the world.
Marie Weydahl is a former Zebr Leadership Program participant, now working as an intern for Zebr. She also works as a project manager for a Christian youth festival in Norway, while she finishes her bachelor's degree in Administration and Economics.
The event is free, but please register in the form below so we can plan seating and snacks.

Evening in Brussels: Faith and Work Meets Society
Evening in Brussels:
Faith and Work Meets Society
Description en français plus bas.
Is there a separation between faith and work? Is it normal to isolate faith to "Christian" circles, and work to "professional" circles?
Join our guests Hermund Haaland, Christel Lamère Ngnambi and Arttu Makipaa in Brussels, for an evening of inspiration and engaging discussion on how our faith, work, and society can meet to produce The Kingdom of God.
18:30 Welcome and Drinks
19:00 Arttu Makipaa (PhD) - EU official and academic
19:15 Christel Lamère Ngnambi - Director of Paris-based Imago Dei
19:30 Hermund Haaland - Lecturer, Political Advisor, and Co-Founder of Zebr Institute
20:00 Small Group Discussions & Q&A
20:50 Closing Remarks
21:00 End
This event will take place at Tribes Central - Rue des Colonies 56, 1000 Brussels on Thursday Oct 12th, 18:30-21:00
Buy tickets here (max 35 spots available!):
Silver: 10 EUR = Event + Pizza
Gold: 20 EUR = Event + Pizza + Book: “Faith at Work” by Hermund Haaland (value 17 EUR)
Hosted by: Zebr Institute, Imago Dei and Brussels Entrepreneurs
Sponsors: The Kingdom Club and Pryme Academy
About the Speakers
Hermund, Artuu, and Christel have been friends for nearly 20 years, and among many other things, were part of establishing the Cornerstone Network in Brussels in 2006.
Hermund Haaland
A serial-entrepreneur, Hermund is passionate about seeing the world and our societies moving in the best possible direction. He is a university lecturer with the Hauge School of Management in Oslo and also serves as a political advisor on business policy for the Christian Democratic Party in the Parliament of Norway. In 2021, with his wife Linn, he co-founded the Zebr Institute (www.zebrinstitute.com) as an agile think tank focusing on the future issues of Europe. He is the author of several books, including "Faith at Work" (2022) and "Startup Europe" (2016). He holds a Master of Economics from the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration as well as a BA in History from the University of Bergen. When he needs to feed his introverted self, nothing is like a few hours of cross-country skiing or hiding away with a good book by Hemingway. Based in Tønsberg, Norway, Linn and Hermund parent Ingrid Hermine (10), Jakob August (8) and Caspian (4).
Christel Lamère Ngnambi
Christel is an author, speaker and teacher from Brussels, living in Düsseldorf, Germany. A political scientist by training, he worked for 12 years as an analyst and then representative to the European Union for an international protestant association on human rights, poverty, migration and the environment. It exposed him to a diversity of fields which have led him to explore the themes of ideas, convictions, social issues, political issues and existential questions. Today, Christel offers his services as a consultant in strategic communication and political communication. Among other things, he is the CEO of the organisation imagoDei ( imagodei.fr) and appears in the podcast Sagesse Mojito ( www.imagodei.fr/podcasts/sagesse-et-mojito/) and POLITI·QUOI ( www.imagodei.fr/podcasts/politi-quoi/). He is married to Victoria, father of little Adam born at the end of 2022. He loves cooking and playing Afro-Brazilian percussion.
Arttu Makipaa
Arttu is an EU official working in foreign affairs, as well as an academic researcher on political theology & social ethics. Throughout his career, he has been a macroeconomist, state-builder and (aspiring) peacebuilder in different countries. He holds a M.A. in economics and a PhD in theology. Arttu is married to Sara, a jazz singer-songwriter, and they have three children. He is passionate about topics that help understand our contemporary cultures through the eyes of faith, and to show the relevance of faith & work in human flourishing. Despite an advancing age, you can still regularly find him on a football pitch, but also in a pub afterwards.
Soirée à Bruxelles :
La foi et le travail rencontrent la société
Y a-t-il une séparation entre la foi et le travail ? Est-il normal d’isoler la foi dans des cercles “chrétiens” et le travail dans des cercles “professionnels” ?
Rejoignez nos invités Hermund Haaland, Christel Lamère Ngnambi et Arttu Makipaa à Bruxelles, pour une soirée d’inspiration et de discussion enrichissante sur la manière dont notre foi, notre travail et notre société peuvent se rencontrer pour produire le Royaume de Dieu.
18h30 Accueil et boissons
19h00 Arttu Makipaa (PhD) - Fonctionnaire de l’UE et chercheur universitaire
19h15 Christel Lamère Ngnambi - Directeur d’Imago Dei basée à Paris
19h30 Hermund Haaland - Conférencier, conseiller politique et co-fondateur de Zebr Institute
20h00 Petits groupes de discussion et questions-réponses
20h50 Remarques de clôture
21h00 Fin
Cet événement aura lieu chez Tribes Central - Rue des Colonies 56, 1000 Bruxelles le jeudi 12 octobre, de 18h30 à 21h00.
Achetez vos billets ici (maximum 35 places disponibles !) :
Argent : 10 EUR = Événement + Pizza
Or : 20 EUR = Événement + Pizza + Livre : “La foi au travail” par Hermund Haaland (valeur 17 EUR)
Organisé par : Zebr Institute, Imago Dei et Brussels Entrepreneurs
Sponsors : The Kingdom Club et Pryme Academy
À propos des intervenants
Hermund Haaland
Hermund Haaland est un serial entrepreneur passionné par la vision d’un monde et de sociétés évoluant dans la meilleure direction possible. Il est chargé de cours à la Hauge School of Management d’Oslo et conseiller politique en matière de politique commerciale pour le Parti démocrate-chrétien au Parlement de Norvège. En 2021, il a co-fondé avec sa femme Linn le Zebr Institute (www.zebrinstitute.com), un groupe de réflexion agile axé sur les problèmes futurs de l’Europe. Avant cela, il a passé dix ans à construire le think tank Skaperkraft à Oslo. Hermund est l’auteur de plusieurs livres, dont “Faith at Work” (2022) et “Startup Europe” (2016). Il est titulaire d’une maîtrise en économie de la Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration ainsi que d’une licence en histoire de l’Université de Bergen. Lorsqu’il a besoin de se ressourcer, rien ne vaut quelques heures de ski de fond ou se plonger dans un bon livre d’Hemingway. Basé à Tønsberg, en Norvège, Hermund et Linn sont les parents d’Ingrid Hermine (10 ans), Jakob August (8 ans) et Caspian (4 ans) .
Christel Lamère Ngnambi
Christel Lamère Ngnambi est auteur, conférencier et formateur de Bruxelles, habitant à Düsseldorf (Allemagne). Politologue de formation, il a travaillé pendant 12 années comme analyste puis représentant auprès de l’Union européenne pour une association protestante internationale en matière de droits de l’homme, de pauvreté, de migration ou encore d’environnement. Une diversité de domaines qui l’ont beaucoup amené à croiser les thématiques des idées et convictions, des questions de société, des enjeux politiques et des questions existentielles. Aujourd’hui, Christel offre ses services comme consultant en communication stratégique et communication politique. Il est entre autres directeur général de l'association imagoDei (imagoDei.fr) et apparaît dans les podcasts Sagesse et Mojito (www.imagodei.fr/podcasts/sagesse-et-mojito/) et POLITI·QUOI (www.imagodei.fr/podcasts/politi-quoi/)
Il est marié à Victoria, papa d'un petit Adam né fin 2022. Il aime la cuisine et jouer des percussions afro-brésiliennes.
Arttu Makipaa
Arttu Makipaa est un fonctionnaire de l’Union européenne travaillant dans les affaires étrangères, ainsi qu’un chercheur universitaire en théologie politique et en éthique sociale. Tout au long de sa carrière, il a été macroéconomiste, bâtisseur d’État et (aspirant) constructeur de la paix dans différents pays. Il est titulaire d’une maîtrise en économie et d’un doctorat en théologie. Arttu est marié à Sara, une chanteuse-compositrice de jazz, et ils ont trois enfants. Il est passionné par les sujets qui aident à comprendre nos cultures contemporaines à travers les yeux de la foi et à montrer la pertinence de la foi et du travail dans l’épanouissement humain. Malgré son âge avancé, on peut encore le trouver régulièrement sur un terrain de football, mais aussi dans un pub par la suite.

Zebr Leadership Program 23/24
By igniting the entrepreneurial imagination, Zebr Leadership Program aims to equip the emerging generation with tools to become authentic leaders anchored in a vision for the common good.
Zebr Leadership Program is a 7 Month Program and includes:
Two 48 Hour Weekend Modules - In Person
Two 24 Hour Weekend Modules - Virtual on Zoom
Bi-Monthly Readings with Reflections
Guided Small Group Sessions between Modules
Mentoring 1:1
Self Knoweledge Assesments and Personal Leadership Coaching
Occasional Special Evening Seminars with Inspiring Speakers
Guidance and Coaching on a Special Project - Example: Learning to Write and Publish an Op-Ed.

Q&A for the Leadership Program
Join us on Wednesday, June 21st at 12:30 CET for a virtual Q&A to learn more about the Zebr Leadership Program and meet members of our team.

Faith at Work Night
Many times, we may not see clearly how our faith in Jesus can make a difference in our careers (or for students: preparing for one) or in leadership - or in shaping society, for the common good - as we face today’s immense challenges. Does following Jesus even matter to anything beyond our private lives and in church? We would love to invite you to a «Faith & Work Night» in London, to share some thoughts and experiences on this as we have wrestled with them for decades - and worked with young leaders around Europe.
The Zebr Institute’s (founded 2021 in Oslo, Norway but with a European focus) chief aim is to empower a new generation of emerging leaders, inspired by the person and principles of Jesus. Therefore, with more than 10 years experience from building the think tank Skaperkraft in Norway and two years of running the Zebr School of Entrepreneurial Leadership in Europe for young European leaders, we want to invite you who are in or near London for an evening with some of the program`s former participants, mentors and speakers and friends.
When: Thursday Feb 9th, 7-9:30 PM
Where: 24 Greencoat Place, London SW1P 1RD (https://www.greencoatplace.com/) The venue is owned by our partner Initiatives of Change.
What: «Faith and work night»: How does the way of Jesus make a difference in my career? What is my vocation? How can we have a positive influence on the future of Europe - and not just passively see the future come?
Refreshments and drinks will be served
Refreshment & Fellowship
Co-Founder & author Hermund Haaland will do UK launch of his recent book: «Faith at Work, loving your neighbour, building society» (published together with Youth With a Mission Europe).
Read more about the book here:
Read more about the Zebr School of Entrepreneurial Leadership here:
We hope to see you in London! The evening does not cost anything to attend. Let us know if you plan to attend by sending us an e-mail to linn@zebrinstitute.com

Restoring Faith in Democracy: What Can Each of Us Do?
Democracy faces a growing threat, due to conflicts within democracies and the rise of autocratic regimes. After the rapid increase in democratic countries in the 1990s, the trend is now downward. Too widely, values such as accountability, integrity, inclusion have been downgraded in public life, and power-seeking is undermining the right of citizens to choose their rulers.
What can citizens do to reverse the trend?
For more information and to register, look here:

God cares about your work
Join us as we discover more about how God cares for us, our work, our profession, our business, and our cities. He is equally interested in seeing us, our friends, our neighbors, and our colleagues flourish at home and at work, as he is in our churches and in our church life. What could it look like, if we find out more about joining God at work?
To introduce the topic, we have the honor of introducing one of Europe’s most passionate on the topic of faith and work, Mark Greene. Now focusing on writing and speaking as Mission Champion, Mark was the Executive Director for the London Centre for Contemporary Christianity for over 20 years, leading a movement that’s reached hundreds of thousands of Christians with the message of whole-life discipleship.
He’s the author of the modern classic Thank God It’s Monday and the ever-popular Fruitfulness on the Frontline. Before joining LICC, he was Vice-Principal at the London School of Theology, and prior to that spent a decade in advertising in London and New York. A lover of film, he does a reasonable imitation of Rowan Atkinson and a terrible one of Sean Connery. His wife wishes it were the other way around. His children wish he wouldn't do either.
Register for this very exciting zoom-based event here:

The Future of Democracy in Europe
With higher economic inequality, geopolitical tension and pressure at Europe`s borders, democracy as we have known it, is under severe pressure. Polarisation, coupled with a growing distrust in both politicians and the traditional parties has led to a growth in populist parties, which in 2017 received 24% of European votes. How may we see a renewed trust in politics and how could we see democracy re-strengthened rather than further decay?