Zebr Future
Navigating into the future always involves navigating into the unknown. Our aim is to sharpen our attention to the imminent challenges we face as societies, and more importantly: How we may find the best possible solutions to overcome them.
Purpose: Zebr Future is our ongoing vehicle to build a better understanding of the challenges we face as societies and a more entrepreneurial culture.
Tools: Through books, reports and workshops, we aim to empower city-, organizational-, political- and business leaders with the knowledge on how to sustainably innovate and create new jobs, as well as initiating needed change in their spheres of influence. We especially enjoy inspiring students and young people to think more entrepreneurially, overcome their obstacles and to see themselves as future leaders, initiating change for the common good.
«Our political and financial systems are based on powerful financial and social incentives to act with the short term in mind.»
Michele Wucker in The Grey Rhino (2016)
«…the lack of leadership in the rich countries, during the pandemic, worries me.»
Nobel laurate and economist Esther Duflo to Dagens Næringsliv, Feb. 19th. 2022
Publications // Books: